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« on: October 08, 2013, 10:36:59 am »
ment's report says.there is, however, widespread concern that the measure may result in more abortions, more shotgun marriages, and more pregnant teenagers dropping out of school. ``it's caused much more of a ruckus than i ever expected,'' admits representative schneider.the new law requires parents, according to their ability to pay, to support any grandchildren until the unwed minor parents are 18. if they don't, they could get up to two years in jail and a fine of $10,000.this socalled grandparent liability clause is one piece of a 10part bill aimed at reducing teen pregnancies and abortions. the bill also sets aside $1 million for pregnancy counseling and asks hospitals and clinics to encourage young women to inform their parents when they are having an abortion.the package was unanimously passed into law by the wisconsin assembly and senate earlier this month. it was a compromise following months of study by a team of religious leaders and representatives o
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 ly of nome, 1924, soviets imprisoned 14 of lomen's employees who were trapping there and confiscated their property. twelve survivors were eventually returned to the us, but in 1926, the soviet union formally moved to claim this 2,800squaremile province.the lomens' claims were upheld by the foreign claims settlement commission in 1959, but the state department negotiated a protocol agreement to transplant alaskan musk ox to ``soviet island wrangel'' in 1974, bypassing congress.also cloudy is the status of bennett, henrietta, and jeannette islands in the east siberian sea, discovered in 1881, and herald island, adjacent to wrangel. as with wrangel, the us has never officially relinquished its title to these territories, but soviet occupancy has not been challenged. state department spokesmen say they have not ``found any evidence that the us has ever formally asserted claim to any of the islands.'' this is seen by some observers as evidence that us nego
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« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2013, 12:02:40 pm »
manchmal schwer zu , weil der iranische luftangriffe verdunkelt find.once haben bagdad nacht licht wieder eingeschaltet wurde , was der stadt ein gefühl der excitement.with mehr als 60 lndern, darunter den vereinigten staaten, in der vergangenen woche das jhrliche baghdad international messe vertreten , sagt der beamte, der für den fall , dass die groe beteiligung war '' ein indikator für starke wirtschaft iraks und der globalen glauben in unserem land. '' aber es gibt erinnerungen, die ein krieg wird nur eine autostunde entfernt gekmpft. wichtige ffentliche gebude und sogar einige scheinbar unbedeutende multistory komplexe werden von bewaffneten soldaten in sandscken beitrge flak strategisch auf den dchern positioniert sind bewacht. gradeschool jugendliche lernen, wie man waffen zu verwenden. eine vielzahl von baustellen sitzen idle.some neue autobahn und hochbau weiter, aber nicht im gleichen tempo wie in den ersten zwei jahren nach dem krieg , al
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 al oblivion, or be on a selfdestruct course with the old leadership. it shows we can find someone to lead this party.''jimmy carter, however, told a crowd here in plains that he was puzzled by hart's appeal. he warned that a person without extensive experience should not be put into the white house.''in some very strange way in the last few days, (mondale's) experience . . . has been twisted by the press and by some of his opponents as being a detriment, '' mr. carter said. ''i can tell you from experience that the white house is not any place to go to school.''the mondalehart showdown has overshadowed the other candidates in the race  john glenn, jesse jackson, and george mcgovern. mr. mcgovern's great hope is massachusetts he says he will drop out if he doesn't place first or second there. senator glenn, campaigning with borrowed money, also needs a good showing to continue much longer. mr. jackson, with substantial black support, is expected to stay in the ra
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« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2013, 08:02:45 am »
ke use of preexisting ``found footage'' as well as material shot by Jacobs himself. He has also probed extensively into 3D cinema.I visited Jacobs recently in his lower Manhattan loft, a crowded workspace overflowing with books, records, artifacts, and equipment. Yet it clearly makes a warm and comfortable home for him, his wife, and their two children, as well as a combination studio, library, and laboratory.``I definitely am inquiring,'' Jacobs says, answering a question about the energy behind his work. ``I'm interested in a number of fronts. Some of them have to do with history, and an understanding of how we work. ... I've invested in kids, and I want them to live. I've invested my feelings in the world, and I want it to continue.''His other interests include ``time and movement,'' and the discoveries that can be made by examining ``strange caricatures of the past'' in old movies. He's fascinated by the po
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 attention, since it has helped to generate necessary financial support.``We have worked hard to dispel the notion that that we are a flipflop group that came together in a oneshot deal,'' says Nelson Stokes, a brakeman on the fourman Jamaican team. ``The effort is genuine.''Stokes and his older brother, Dudley, a driver of the Jamaican two and fourman sleds, spoke with convincing sincerity about their commitment to the sport during a wellattended preOlympic press conference in Lillehammer.Six years earlier Dudley, then a helicopter pilot in the Jamaican Defence Forces, dismissed the fear factor in bobsledding by citing a favorite line in an Ian Fleming novel: ``I won't waste my days trying to preserve my life.''Now, as nononsense and articulate as ever, he has the weight of experience and performance to support his statements.``I now feel we belong in bobsledding as much as any team in the sport,'' he says, po
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 higher spending, analysts say. The rise in interest rates will have little, if any, effect.Yet apparel is the only gift category consumers plan to spend more on this year than last, according to a recent consumer survey by the International Mass Retail Association in Washington.What's fueling the clothing comeback For the past 18 months, consumers have curbed their clothing purchases  for financial or fashion reasons  and now they need to replace their threadbare duds.Retailers already see more sales of accessories, which indicate that shoppers are breaking out of the ``basics'' mode, says John Ronzetti, vice president of information resources for the National Retail Federation in Washington.``The cotton knits are big, [and] the mohairs and the softer Angoras are in this year,'' says Janet Mangano, retail analyst with brokerage house Burnham Securities Inc., in New York. ``So you don't have to get a tradition
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 eir neighbors law abiding and happy.``We have all cultivated the good habit of selfcriticism and of criticizing each other, and so we don't have to go to the police for help,'' Yuan says. Her partners nod again.What makes the development especially mystifying is that East Germany, despite a balanceofpayments surplus with the West, has been borrowing heavily to build up these reserves.That's dandy with the capitalists in London, New York, and other financial centers. At this point, East Germany is considered an excellent credit risk.``Money is almost being forced on them [East Germany],'' says Jan Vanous, research director for PlanEcon Inc., a Washington firm specializing in research on the economies of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Compared with Latin American debtor countries, the DDR is considered an excellent credit risk.Early in June, for example, a consortium of banks led by Arab Banking Corporation
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